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Lowrance Proud to Support The British Disabled Angling Association

Lowrance® is thrilled to be supporting The British Disabled Angling Association, a charity founded in 1996 to develop opportunities for disabled people of all ages and abilities to access the activity of fishing in the UK. The BDAA has evolved from an unincorporated organisation with just a few dedicated like-minded followers, into the leading disability angling charity in Great Britain, recognised and respected all over the world.

The BDAA has a host of specialist and adapted equipment enabling them to offer a variety of services around angling, from an introduction to angling to national competitions. Lowrance® is delighted to have provided the BDAA with a comprehensive electronics system including HDS LIVE, to aid in their teaching. The system has been set up to enable people to steer the boat by a key fob, making angling accessible to all. “The British Disabled Angling Association Accessibility Fishing project at Ladybower Fisheries aim is to encourage anyone with a mobility, learning or sensory impairment to have the opportunity to learn how to fish or continue fishing after a life changing event. The Lowrance HDS 9 LIVE technology on board the BDAA Accessible Pioner boat (Codie Mo) is making a massive difference to our users, with its easy to control steering features, helping to improve independence regardless of ability or disability. The design and development of Codie Mo by Landing Craft UK Ltd, together with their recommendation of the Lowrance equipment, has resulted in what we can only describe as the perfect platform for accessible angling” Troy Chadwick BDAA Director.

For more information on the BDAA please visit -